
Points of Interest:

  • See a variety of bottomland forest natural communities that were once prevalent in the Mississippi Lowlands.
  • Look and listen for prothonotary warblers, yellow-throated warblers and barred owls.
  • See an unusual bottomland flatwoods natural community with post oak and southern red oak growing on a slight “ridge” above the more level and wet surrounding bottomland forest.

Natural Features Description:

This area features a slice of what large areas of the Bootheel used to look like. Many tree species more common in the Deep South grow here: willow oak, overcup oak, water elm, water locust, and bald cypress. Look for the interesting blooms of cooper iris and spider lily in the spring – two other species more common in the southeast. The natural flooding cycle of this bottomland area has been altered by ditches and berms like most areas in the lowlands. However, it is one of the last bottomland forests left in the surrounding area.

Open to Public
Designated as a natural area since
MDC Southeast Regional Office
Contact Phone
Access Info

This natural area is within Otter Slough Conservation Area. Getting to this natural area takes some doing. From Dexter travel west on Highway 60 to Highway TT. Go left (south) on to Highway TT. Follow Highway TT south to the T intersection. Go left (east) on County Road 642 for a mile. Then turn right (south) on to Highway ZZ. Proceed south on Highway ZZ for 1.5 mile. Then turn right (west) on to County Road 686. Follow County Road 686 for a mile to the parking lot and boat ramp. From the parking lot head north along the Otter Slough Conservation Area property line for a half mile. This will get you to the southeast corner of the natural area. During the late fall through the spring a canoe may be needed to access the site. A map and compass are recommended to explore the area. Hunting and fishing are permitted.

Latitude / Longitude
POINT (-90.101006 36.739445)
Managing Agency
Atlas ID

United States